Staff Interview
I think it would be great if we could get people who like making things and potential customers in the automotive industry to know us better

Switch from operator to office staff
I joined the company as a production line operator, but now I am a staff member in the production office, where I am mainly responsible for clerical work.
The work I am responsible now is data entry, but I use my experience as a line operator to analyze the information I receive, and when there are deficiencies in the information, I confirm the content with the production line leader and request corrections. I also compile performance management data, such as the percentage of production achieved by workers in the field compared to production targets.

I want to be an organization that can transmit new innovations
By receiving the information directly from the production line leaders every day, I realize that each worker has his/her own strengths and weaknesses, and that the workers are working earnestly to improve the results and produce on target.
By analyzing and processing the information submitted by the leaders in detail, I also gained new experiences in my work, enjoyed the work I received, and feel that I learned a lot about the structure of field management and the importance of time management.

My personal future goal is to introduce a new backbone computer program system to our company, as my current job involves dealing with numbers, and I would like to add a new twist to make data entry with Excel easier to read and less complicated.
Our company assembles automotive wire harnesses in a wide variety of products. Personally, I would like to become an organization that can disseminate more new innovations. I hope that people who like manufacturing and potential customers in the automotive industry will become more aware of our company. It is not easy, but we believe it is not too difficult either. That’s why we will continue to do our best.
Please contact us for anything related to wire harnesses and electronic devices, such as cost reduction and local procurement. We also accept parts procurement and sales agency! What you are looking for is here.